“Brienne, Podrick and the Hound move into an apartment together, and thus a hit sitcom is born.” All of this is canon now.
1. Ned Stark says, "On second thought, let's not go to King's Landing. 'Tis a silly place." The Stark family then lives on forever.
2. Drogo learns about the wonders of Neosporin and maybe lives instead of dying from being too macho.
3. Jon Snow and Ygritte actually do stay in that cave and eventually die of too much sex.
4. Varys puts out a "Seriously, Don't Trust Littlefinger" PSA, saving countless lives.
5. Cersei drunkenly binge-watches Pretty Little Liars and starts sending threatening texts to Margaery signed "A."
6. Ned Stark starts using dad jokes on his daughters, including "Arya coming with me or not?" and "You're not making any Sansa!"
7. Littlefinger is magically transported to Baltimore, Maryland, where he runs for mayor.
HBO / Via imgur.com
8. Syrio Forel continues to train Arya and the two become masked vigilantes in King's Landing.
9. Joffrey goes hunting and, like his "father," is also killed by a boar.
10. The boar is actually Tyrion in disguise.
11. Stannis tells Melisandre to shove it and actually listens to the advice of his most trusted fucking lieutenant for once.
12. Stannis does basically none of the things that he actually did thus far.
13. Except for his grammatical corrections, which lead him to start a Twitter account in which he just shames people for confusing "less" and "fewer."
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