
Tuesday, June 9, 2015

Shireen Baratheon Is A Beautiful Precious Baby. So Good. So Pure.

Goodnight, Princess. Spoilers for Game of Thrones season 5, episode 9: “The Dance of Dragons.”

Shireen Baratheon was the sweetest child this world has ever known. And now she's dead.

Shireen Baratheon was the sweetest child this world has ever known. And now she's dead.

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Her own father, Stannis neé "the Mannis" Baratheon burned her alive because some bottle-ginger fire witch told him to.

Her own father, Stannis neé "the Mannis" Baratheon burned her alive because some bottle-ginger fire witch told him to.

That's some Iphigenia bullshit and he knows it.

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As we mourn for Princess Shireen, it is for us to remember her at her best and not dwell on her death, if only because she died in pain and screaming for her parents to save her from the flames.

As we mourn for Princess Shireen, it is for us to remember her at her best and not dwell on her death, if only because she died in pain and screaming for her parents to save her from the flames.

-sobs forever-

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